What is Sciatic Pain?

Sciatic pain is one of the more frustrating pains that we can experience. It can come out of “nowhere” with just a “wrong move” or twist. It can be crippling, making it difficult to walk or move easily. And it can become chronic.

When inflammation and swelling exacerbates the condition and it can greatly reducing your mobility, spreading down the back of your leg, the side of your leg or even to the inguinal or groin area, making movement painful or impossible.

Impingement of the sciatic nerve is one of the more frequent causes of low back pain, hip pain, and shooting leg pain. The impingement can be caused by muscles spasm and by misalignment of the sacrum and spine.

Treatment Options

There are many approaches to treatment and you want quick relief. Reducing inflammation, stopping the spasms, correcting alignment and increasing healing blood flow to the area is paramount. The quicker treatment is begun, the quicker the pain can be resolved. By using several types of treatments, the pain can be approaches on several levels:

  • Acupuncture to reduce pain and correct Qi flow and balance the body.
  • Somatic Re-Education, using a very gentle process of positional release to re-align the joints and reduce muscles spasm
  • Electrolyte balancing for spasms.
  • Exercise plans to strengthen the muscles
  • Regular visits, tapered over time can prevent it returning.
  • This combination works well to address multiple issues and reduce pain.
  • Treatment packages are available.

Pathway of the Sciatic Nerve

The Sciatic nerve originates at L4, L5, S1, S2, S3. The Sciatic nerve then slides through the greater sciatic foramen of the pelvis. From there it works its way through the gluteal muscles, going through the center of the piraformis muscle, which attaches to the sacrum and the pelvis. The Sciatic nerve divides as is goes down the leg into the Tibial nerve and the Common Pernoneal Nerve. Impingement at any where along the way can cause pain. Impingements can come from muscle spasms, misalignment of the spine, disc issues, Qi stagnation, and/or arthritic narrowing..